Our recent 4 day residential retreat was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended.
Comfortably accommodated and mindfully nourished all set in the stunningly beautiful West Cork on the #WildAtlanticWay.
We covered:
- Qi gong, 18 stances of Taichi qigong shibashi, outside in nature with panoramic views
- Self massage of Do-in and the Makko ho stretches
- Basic Chinese medicine theory of yin yang and the 5 elements and the practical application through
- 5 element cookery classes, around the kitchen table.
- Shiatsu principles and its application in 4 different positions, face down, face up, side and sitting
- Meditation, using the healing sounds
After the 4 immersive days participants left with not only a Shiatsu Foundation Qualification, but a renewed connection with themselves, others and nature; an array of tools, methods and acupoints to enhance their physical and emotional wellbeing as well as the confidence to make fantastic food that meets their individual needs.
The connection and fun within the group was fantastic.
The teachers were excellent and I think having the mix of the four teachers helped hold the group and get the jobs done.
I enjoyed the food & the shiatsu, and thought that these elements were taught really well.
It was an excellent Foundation course, that has helped bring a new love for food and understanding about the 5 elements. Chinese living all the way!

Congratulations to our latest group of graduates, we had a nourishing 4 days, full of connections, learning and laughter. WELL DONE.
The team at ESS Cork would like to wish you all the best, hoping that shiatsu continues to be a strength and resource in your lives and that you find a way to share your skills and the amazing benefits of shiatsu with others. We hope you keep in touch. Enjoy!