Soaring Crane QiGong
Level One
24th – 26th November 2023
3 Day Retreat: €400.00
There are many forms of Qi Gong. Soaring Crane Qi Gong was brought to us by Master Zhao, who began teaching in the 1970’s. His first 9 students, all seriously ill, recovered and in turn taught this form to others – one of whom, Chen, Hui Xian was my teacher.
This particular form, Soaring Crane Qi Gong, is aimed at treating illness, improving health, developing human intelligence, nurturing centeredness and promoting spiritual growth.
(Precautions: pregnant women and people with a history of mental illness are advised not to practice this particular form of Qi Gong. Any queries please email or phone Sheena 086 2641123)
Soaring Crane Qi Gong
Level 1
The 5 routines, 2 Remedy routines, 2 Lying Meditations.
The 5 routines
25 min. of meditative movement designed to clear the meridians (energy pathways) in the body to encourage free flow within and enable us to access the universal Qi without. Thus generating a sense of spiritual and physical well being.
Remedy routines
2 exercises with specific purposes eg. Liver cleanse and Tonification.
Lying Meditation
2 recorded guided meditations, Four route relaxation QG and Exchanging qi with the universe.
What is included in our Soaring Crane Qi Gong Retreats:
The Teaching
The teaching takes place in peaceful, natural surroundings.
You will be provided with a book and audio recording of the Qigong
Teaching begins on the Friday evening 7pm. with an introductory session and continues through Saturday, finishing at 5pm on the Sunday
Accomodation and Food
Two nights shared accomodation at the venue, West Cork Coastal Haven, is included
Self service breakfasts, homemade vegetarian soup at lunch times and a shared meal Saturday evening are included
5 in stock