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Welcome to the Irish branch of
The European Shiatsu School

We have been running courses in Cork, Ireland since 1995 as an affiliated brunch of the The European Shiatsu School founded in 1985 in the UK.

Along the years the school has developed a solid reputation for teaching the skills required for success as a professional shiatsu practitioner in

Our Courses

At the European Shiatsu School Cork, whilst we acknowledge the profound importance of working with the subtlest aspects of our disease, we also see that this is not the whole picture. We need techniques that can work with the acute manifestations of disease as well as deeper energetic work.

We therefore teach a wide range of Shiatsu skills and techniques from the more strong and physical to the subtler, holding and connecting energies. We believe that both are invaluable in treating the whole person. There is no Yin without Yang.




Get in Touch

087 2070132


Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday — 9:00am – 3:30pm
Sunday — Closed

© The European School of Shiatsu Cork 2022

Web Design: SME Web Designer

Our Philosophy

There are three basic ideas which underlie the work of the European Shiatsu School. Our aim is to provide the opportunity to:

● effectively help ourselves, our families and our communities to achieve a greater degree of health, awareness and communication through touch;

● minimise the reliance on medical intervention by bringing together some of the most effective healing and lifestyle approaches from both the east and west, and to integrate them into daily living;

● provide Shiatsu studies which can take you beyond the introductory to the practitioner and teaching training levels, and to maintain the highest possible standard of training.

The essence of our philosophy is that we see individual harmony as the key to social harmony.

Our role is, therefore, to help you not only to offer competent Shiatsu, but to develop an increased awareness and equilibrium.